Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's Hot!

Well July is already here and so are the 100 degree temperatures!  Being in Florida (as of yesterday),  its pretty hard to escape the heat.  Normally I just don't like it, but now having to carry insulin around with me its just plan unhealthy.  I've already had two insulin pens go bad because they got to hot!  One went bad on my car ride from Charleston to Stuart.  If I can't even have them in my car I'm not sure if I'll survive the summer! 
Seriously,  I'm looking for suggestions people! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Camping

This past weekend Rutledge and I were in Charlotte for the Kenny Chesney & Tim McGraw concert (tickets Rut bought  for my birthday in December).  The concert wasn't until Sunday, so we had the whole weekend to kill.  What better way we thought than camping?!  

I knew going into it, it was going to be more than just pull our car around and pitch a tent, but I also was not expecting what he had planned.  After talking to the Park Ranger, Rutledge got in the car and said, "You ready for a 13 mile hike?"  To say the least my jaw dropped.  Once we finally hit the trail I was pretty excited for what laid ahead of us.  Even though we chose the hottest part of the day to begin our journey, it was a blast!  The first leg of the hike was a bit longer than we expected, but we were persistent and finally found the camping area, which was in my opinion the best part of the trip.  Down a little ways was a creek that cooled us down quickly.  It was freezing water, but felt so good on our tired muscles! We brought Rutledge's Eno, which is essential for all camping trips now. Before bed we laid in the hammock and started to read Crazy Love (great book so far!).  We ended up falling asleep there to the sound of a thunderstorm in the distance and cool air blowing in.  It was amazing!  Once we finally decided to get in the tent, minutes later it started to rain and rained all through the night.  I know that because I was awake all night. I can usually sleep anywhere, but I don't know what happened.  Maybe the thought that a wild animal could come and eat us in seconds and no one would be able to hear us kept me from sleeping.  I dozed here and there, but I wouldn't qualify it was quality sleep.  The next morning was damp, but it kept us cool.  We had another great hike and made it back safely.

You may be wondering what this has to do with being diabetic, but I was quite nervous being in the middle of nowhere and something bizarre happening to me.  My diet while on this trip consisted of peanut butter, mixed nuts, zone bars, and water.  Actually I barely even needed any insulin because I was burning off all that I was eating right away.  If I remember correctly I think I only gave myself Lantis, which I take before bed every night.  Through both days of hiking I felt great, nothing I wouldn't have felt four months ago! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Summer, my favorite time of year, is finally here and the cherries are delicious! 
I've done a little research and unfortunately for a diabetic cherry lover like myself cherries don't have a healthy carb count.  Basically, all the means to me is that I can give into the temptation, but must eat in  moderation.  I'm finding new ways to incorporate these tasty little guys into my diet, instead of eating handfuls at a time.
Tonight I made a summer salad with:

  • apples
  • avocado
  • cilantro
  • sautéed shrimp
  • slices of cherries
All on a bed of spring lettuce with a lime balsamic and olive oil as a light dressing.  It was TASTY!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Very Talented Family

After a few days being diabetic, I realized I would have to carry my insulin with me EVERYWHERE I went.  This was a big deal only because I have never liked carrying a purse, but I am making drastic changes in my life.  When I as at the hospital Carla gave me my insulin, meter, and pricker.  All this came in a very boring black square case.  I was told never to leave home without it.
Well these days, I've ditched the boring black and upgraded to a fun green pattern.  My sister Amy, a very talented sewer, has made me a new pouch to spice up being diabetic. Here are some pictures. If any of you diabetics out there are interested I'm sure my sister would be able to make you one with the fabric of your chose, just let me know!

She took out the holder for my meter from my old case and sewed it in here.
A little pouch for old needles.
And another for new needles.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Little Reminders

My last post got me thinking, especially this line: “Jeez, why is God tempting me so much with the food I use to love lately?”  Well I think I got an answer and it doesn’t just apply to my sweat tooth.  This may be a little hard for me to articulate, but I’ll do my best.
I think God sometimes puts little reminders in our lives once in a while to show us a glimpse of how you use to be and how far you’ve come.  I mean, in this case God was showing me that yeah, the temptation was tough, but it wasn’t impossible like I thought it would be lying in the hospital bed hearing my diagnosis.  Have you ever come across someone who reminded them of you a year, maybe two years ago?  Either by how narrow minded, or judgmental, or timid they were? I have and it made me realize that I have grown (for the better, in my opinion), because sometimes I feel that I have not changed and I’ve just remained stagnant.  It’s a good feeling; its almost like God is patting me on the back and saying, “well done, I’m proud of you, look how far you’ve come!”
So when these moments of temptation occur and you think twice, think a third time and realize the person you are becoming, because you just might be proud of yourself! 

Friday, May 25, 2012


Today was all about self-control.
Walking into the Beatty Building this morning, I saw my Professor.  She said, “Oh great, Tracie will we come grab something out of my car and bring it in for me?”  Without hesitation I said yes.  When I got to her car she hands me a bag with two-dozen donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts that she would be handing out to my class.  On my walk to the classroom, I kept thinking, maybe I could have just one or if there’s a chocolate frosted (my favorite donut) I might just have to have it.  But by the time I sat in my seat I told myself that having a donut would probably throw off my sugar levels for the rest of the day and that it wasn’t worth it.  I’m proud to say that I did have self-control, but it was hard.  Once class started my professor placed the two boxes of donuts at the end of my table - eight inches away from me.  For the rest of the three and a half hours I could smell those donuts.  Rough day for a diabetic.

Walking out of class I thought to myself, “Jeez, why is God tempting me so much with the food I use to love lately?”  Here’s a little something to remember…

“And remember, when someone wants to do wrong it is never God who is tempting Him, for God never wants to do wrong and never tempts anyone else to do it.  Temptation is the pull of man’s own evil thoughts and wishes.” James 1:13-14

Friday, May 18, 2012

a BIG thanks!

          Some of you may know I have never been a huge fan of doctors.  Growing up my mom rarely took me to the doctor.  If I complained about something long enough or if it was out of her control she would give in.  And for the few times that I have gone to the doctor (1) they couldn’t figure out what was wrong or (2) just gave me an antibiotic to be safe.  Also, last semester my Econ professor, Professor Witte, had the class listen to an NPR broadcast that discussed the chaos in the medical/insurance field (I’ll provide a link at the end, cause everyone should listen to it, even if it is a little long).  All in all, it turned me away form doctors.
            Like I had mentioned in my first blog, Rutledge had to force me to go to the doctor, not because I was scared, but because I thought it’d be useless.  Unfortunately it wasn’t useless for two reasons.  First, obviously, I found out I had diabetes and second I’ve changed my mind about doctors a little. 
            When you are diagnosed with diabetes in the hospital, an educator will come see you to teach you how to use your insulin, how to check your blood sugar, ect. I had seen so many nurses and doctors by that point that I wasn’t too excited to meet her.  My educators name is Carla, and she has made this whole experience so much easier.  Our meeting in the hospital was only 30 minutes, but it didn’t end there.  The night I got home from the hospital my blood sugar was back up in the high 300’s.  Her number was the first one I saw in the pile of papers I was given, so I called in panic.  She told me exactly what to do and to text her at midnight with my blood glucose number.  I hesitated; did she really want her patient to wake her up again at midnight?  She really meant it, so I did. I was constantly texting Carla my numbers and how I was feeling the following week. In fact, I texted her more than I texted Rutledge.  It was amazing how she was always right there when I needed her advice. 
            Now that I have gotten more stable, I don’t talk to her as often, but I do know that she is always there when I need her.  It’s an amazing feeling!  I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have the support and care from her!  Thank you so much for your dedication and endless care Dr. Carla it is greatly appreciated! 

Here is the NPR link about healthcare: